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Frequently Asked

WHAT IS MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING AND WHAT KIND OF PERSON WOULD BENEFIT MOST FROM THIS?​MI is a counselling style to help support an individual to resolve their ambivalence for change. This means that anyone in any stage of the change process (pre-contemplative, contemplative, preparatory, action, maintenance) can benefit from the intervention of having a conversation within the style of motivational interviewing. We teach MI to teachers, first responders, clinicians, etc… Anyone who works with people in a field that requires change can benefit hugely from learning how to use MI, so as to be more empowered in helping their patients through those stages of change.
WHAT IS A ‘SENSITIVE’ PERSON?​Fifty percent of clients that enter into therapy are what we call ‘highly sensitive’ or ‘high sensory’ individuals and it is a trait that we are born with. Someone who has this trait is someone who processes a lot more stimuli than an average individual. About 20% of the population falls within this umbrella of high sensory. If these individuals do not learn to balance all these stimuli, then it can result in overwhelming the individual which can lead to depression, anxiety and PTSD.
NOTARIZED STATEMENT OF PRACTICE AND EMDR EXPERIENCEDo you have at least two years of experience in your field of license? Have you conducted at least 50 EMDR sessions with at least 25 clients? Both statements may be included in one single notarized document. Applicants can simply state, "I have at least 2 years experience in my field of license and I have conducted at least 50 EMDR therapy sessions with at least 25 clients" or similar wording and then have it notarized
WHAT IS TRAUMA?Trauma results from an experience that overwhelms us and shocks our nervous system and hence we have a hard time making sense of the experience. It becomes isolated or frozen and we are not able to access it from an adaptive perspective. We refer to two different types of trauma; the big T’s (rape victims, victims of child sexual abuse, veterans etc…) and the little T’s (maybe just a repetitive negative experience, being teased/bullying, public speaking etc…). ​So really it is a combination of both.
IS ADDICTION PART OF OUR DNA?Based on research, and from what I know, substance use disorders do affect our DNA, particularly alcohol. Alcohol does alter and damage our DNA if it has been used for a long period of time. Children of adults who have a substance use disorder do have a biological predisposition to addiction as a result of their use. However, there are also environmental factors that also influence why we engage in the behavior in the first place. The question comes down to whether the person started using because their parents were using, or because of the impact that particular environment had on them (abuse, neglect and trauma for example).
HOW DOES A NEW PATIENT FIND DIRECTION?​Direction comes from having a consultation, and then possibly an assessment where I would be able to ascertain what treatment that patient can benefit from. Usually my approach is eclectic. I use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing, EMDR, mindfulness practice among other modalities and the treatment is very much individualized.
WHAT IS A ‘SENSITIVE’ PERSON?Fifty percent of clients that enter into therapy are what we call ‘highly sensitive’ or ‘high sensory’ individuals and it is a trait that we are born with. Someone who has this trait is someone who processes a lot more stimuli than an average individual. About 20% of the population falls within this umbrella of high sensory. If these individuals do not learn to balance all these stimuli, then it can result in overwhelming the individual which can lead to depression, anxiety and PTSD.
WHAT IS EMDR?Imagine being able to recollect your past without allowing it to interfere with your present life, be it at home, work, in the community, or in your relationships. Embark on a journey towards self-actualization by taking advantage of our EMDR intensive therapy program. In addition to our weekly and bi-weekly sessions, we offer EMDR, an evidence-based approach to treating trauma, depression, and anxiety. EMDR intensives offer a more efficient way to experience relief by shifting your perceptions of yourself and the world around you. These transformative shifts will empower you to tackle your challenges with renewed vigor and confidence. Unlike weekly or bi-weekly sessions, which can prolong treatment indefinitely, intensive EMDR accelerates progress towards your goals in a concentrated, focused way.
How does it work?We will conduct a 20-minute consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for EMDR Intensive Therapy. Following this, we will conduct a fee-for-service telehealth intake assessment to assess the depth of your issues and the necessary time required to work through them. We will then discuss logistics and whether the sessions will be conducted virtually or in-person. Once we have determined the number of hours/days you will require, we will discuss payment/down payment before commencing therapy. You no longer have to schedule your life around weekly therapy sessions.
Cost and InsuranceUnfortunately, insurance does not currently cover this type of therapy. The cost will depend on the number of hours/days required, making EMDR Intensive Therapy cost- effective, as it is highly concentrated and focused, saving you both time and money over time. Contact us to schedule a free consultation or to learn more about EMDR Intensive Therapy. Check out this video to understand what EMDR is. Also, listen to Larisa talk more about EMDR in her interview with Dr. Richard Oelbergerhere.
WHAT IS MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING?Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative, guiding style of communication, used to talk about behavior change. An effective guide uses the MI spirit and skills to help people hear themselves talk about the possibilities of change. ​Anyone who talks with others about behavior or lifestyle change. Professionals in health care, education, social work, counseling and addiction treatment will find MI effective and rewarding in their work. ​High quality MI training is critical to the process, so the professional can learn and apply skills that have been shown to be effective in guiding people towards change by reducing ambivalence.Youtube.Video ​​Why? Because it works! MI began with research by Dr. Bill Miller in the field of addiction treatment as he analyzed attributes of effective counselors. Since then, research has shown that an effective MI conversation can improve targeted outcomes in multiple behavioral domains by helping people reduce ambivalence and hear their own thoughts about change. MI has been applied in counseling, health care, education, health coaching and business.
WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING?MI is beneficial for individuals who are ambivalent or resistant to change, particularly in areas such as substance use, health behaviors (e.g., diet, exercise, medication adherence), mental health, and treatment adherence. It can be used with diverse populations, including those with chronic conditions, in criminal justice settings, and in primary care. MI is effective for both adolescents and adults, and its principles can be adapted to various cultural contexts.
WHAT ARE THE CORE PRINCIPLES OF MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING?The core principles of MI are often summarized by the acronym OARS: Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflective listening, and Summarizing. Additionally, MI emphasizes four key task: engaging the client, focusing on specific goals, evoking the client’s motivations for change, and planning for change. These principles help build rapport, guide the conversation, and empower clients to take ownership of their change process.
HOW DOES MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING DIFFER FROM TRADITIONAL COUNSELING APPROACHES?Unlike traditional counseling approaches that may involve giving direct advice or solutions, MI emphasizes a non-confrontational, client-centered approach. MI avoids arguing or persuading, instead focusing on helping clients explore their own motivations and resolve ambivalence. The therapist adopts a guiding rather than directive role, fostering an environment where the client feels understood and supported in making their own decisions.
CAN MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING BE INTEGRATED WITH OTHER THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES?Yes, MI can be effectively integrated with other therapeutic approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). MI is often used in the initial stages of therapy to build motivation and readiness for change, after which other techniques can be introduced to support the client’s goals. Integrating MI with other approaches enhances its effectiveness across a wide range of clinical settings.
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